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This website blog chronicles my exploration into using symbology to represent alternative numerical base systems. My ultimate goal is to uncover and simplify known, and unknown, mathematical processes and connections between these systems. This is a hobby and should be taken as such. Thanks for visiting.


020 Dozenapentic (60) Introduction

The ancient Mayans the this base system because of its many factors.

021 Tetrapenhex (120) Introduction

120 is the factorial of 5, and the sum of a twin prime pair (59 + 61).

022 Dozenapenhex (360) Introduction

360 is the smallest number divisible by every natural number from 1 to 10 except 7.

023 Trincubinquadric (432) Introduction

At first glance, 432 seems like a strange choice for a number base, but it may prove to be an important number in unifying bases twelve, sixteen and twenty seven. Read More...

026 Bidozenapenhex (720) Introduction

It is 6! (6 factorial), a composite number with thirty divisors, more than any number below, making it a highly composite number. Read More...

019 Binquadratetric (65536) Introduction

A 16-bit number can distinguish 65536 different possibilities, such as the numbers 0..65535. Read More...

005 Binquadric (16) Introduction

Base 16 is known to computer programmers as Hexadecimal (six plus ten). Read More...

002 Dozenic (12) Intoduction

12, the least positive integer with 6 different positive factors, hours on a clock, inches in a foot, eggs in a carton, slices in a pizza... Read More...

001 Numerography Introduction

If you're new to Numerography, please read this entry first.

007 Trincubic (27) Introduction

Base 27 is known to mathematicians as Septemvigesimal (seven plus twenty). Read More...