003 Dial Dozenic
The animation above illustrates the concept behind its writing system.
Two lines connect to form an arrow that points to one of twelve different directions. One diamond, two triangles and three circles are intersected to represent twelve positions. In this particular chart, the letter ‘A’ represents the value of ten, and the letter ‘B’ represents the value of eleven.
Most of the numerals in this system, shown in the white band encircling the animation, include a small notch (optional) to help differentiate its simple shape from other numeral base systems. The notch alternates, distinguishing odd numbers from even numbers.

Hook Dozenic
There are many different variations that we can use. One idea I had was to change the glyphs into hook like shapes. Triangles are used for 0, 3, 6, and 9. Large hooks are used for 2, 4, 8, and 10. Smaller twisted hooks are used for 1, 5, 7, and 11.
Out of all the Dial Dozenic systems that I’ve designed, I suspect that this one will be the easiest to use and read. It’s glyphs are unique enough to differentiate them from other glyph systems while still maintaining dial positional identification.

Triangular Dozenic
This example shows a similar variant of Dozenic that I call Triangular Dozenic. This one follows the same concept as Dial Dozenic but uses four triangles instead. It’s a much more simpler system and may help to unlock symmetrical patterns when comparing charts of numbers.
Though it’s easy to read in a perfectly plotted digital format, it does require a steady hand to write. But it’s simplicity is interesting. Even people who are not familiar with this system, can immediately grasp the concept after learning its simple rules.

Curvilinear Dozenic
Curvilinear Dozenic is a simplified version of Dial Dozenic. Each numeral contains a single curve that opens to one of four different directions. A single line is added to either end to create two extra variations.