Greg Apodaca
Professor of Imaging Machinations
Apple Inc
codename: Floyd

I have worked at Apple since 2003. I perform a range of functions for the Graphic design and IOS groups: 3D artist, Digital Retoucher, scripting and automation, teacher, consultant…

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Greg Apodaca
Digital Artist

Available for Freelance projects, Design work, Consulting...

- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- 3d Modeling

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Greg Apodaca
Adobe Photoshop Guru

I started using Photoshop in 1995. I have an advanced understanding of the application and I host a podcast that covers tips and tricks for high end users…

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Greg Apodaca
Photographic Artist

Back in the early to mid nineties, one of my main hobbies was Photography. I occasionally worked freelance, but photography was more of an art expression for me instead of a job. I have posted image galleries that showcase some of my work from back then.

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Greg Apodaca
stagename: Floyd

Accomplished Bass Player, back up Guitarist, and more. Currently between groups. Composer of songs, though mostly I play strict improvisational music that ranges from Rock to Jazz to Psychedelic to Bluegrass...

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Greg Apodaca
Alternative Number System Exploration

Exploration into using symbology to represent alternative numerical base systems. The ultimate goal is to uncover and simplify known, and unknown, mathematical processes and connections between these systems. This is a hobby and should be taken as such…

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Greg Apodaca
San Francisco Motorcycle Club
member name: Three Toes

Most people think the name Three Toes refers to my three wheeled motorcycle with sidecar, but the story is much more convoluted…

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